Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I AM with You Always!

While meditating on scripture, the Lord granted me images of His tender and loving care of us during the course of our lives.  I pray that it fills you with peace and joy, and feeds your hungry soul!
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The LORD your God is with you, 
   he is mighty to save. 
He will take great delight in you, 
   he will quiet you with his love, 
   he will rejoice over you with singing. 
                        Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV 1984) 

"I AM the Lord your God, and I AM with you always!

"I AM with you as a mother with a newborn babe.  I hold you and delight in your existence, rejoicing over you for no other reason than that you “are.”  Nothing, no action on your part, is needed to inspire My love!

"I AM with you as a parent with a young child, delighting in your childish exuberance to learn and discover My creation, quieting your fears, singing at the joy in your being.

"I AM with you as the father of a young woman preparing to wed – delighting to see you love and to transform from child to adult, quieting your unease at the changes that loom before you with the sure knowledge of My own love of you, and rejoicing for the person you have become.

"I AM with you as the bridegroom with his bride.  The beauty of your spirit and the depth of your love for Me are My great delight .  In your uncertainty at how to love in this new way, I sooth you with strength of My own love.  I rejoice at our union.

"I AM with you as a friend of your heart.  I delight when you trust to share with Me both the trials and joys of your life.  I take your hand to ease your sorrows with My quiet presence, I take your hand and sing with you in your joy.

"I AM with you as a comrade, to encourage you in times of failure.  I delight in your desire to press on, to try, to hope – even against all odds.  I am with you to supply the quiet confidence of My loving support, even in the face of your great distress and sorrow.  I rejoice that even in failure, you shall learn and grow.

"I AM with you as a loving care-giver at the end of life.  Each line and wrinkle, each scar and healed wound, remind Me of the whole of your life and the person you have become.  I quiet your heart with the sure knowledge of the time soon to come, and rejoice that you will soon be with Me more fully.

"I AM with you as one who mourns.  In quiet love, I tenderly prepare and anoint your body for the grave.  My great delight is that you were.  My greater rejoicing is that you will yet be…

"I AM with you as both Judge and Advocate, calling for a reckoning of your sins and short-comings, even as I show you how all those deficiencies shall be made right in My eyes.  I delight that you have chosen My Way, My Truth, My Life, so that  My loving sacrifice may be the quiet confidence of your soul.  Your salvation is My joy and My song!

"I AM the Lord your God, and I AM with you!"

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