Thursday, March 12, 2009

Heaven and Earth

Last Sunday my mind wandered off during the Eucharistic prayer. My mental word processor was turned off and instead of listening, I was just “being.” And as I sat there – being – stray thoughts flitted in through that open window in my mind.

“This is what Father Tom is teaching about during Lent – ‘Meeting God in the Eucharist’ – and there was something about the altar as the place where heaven and earth meet….”

The familiar words of prayer continue to flow around, but not through, my mind. The accustomed gestures, the accustomed responses, but what is the reality beyond the words? It’s the coming together of Heaven and Earth, but how does that happen? How might that look?

Images come to supply the answer. Image of a small tornado, a whirlwind, spinning itself to a fine point. The whirlwind grows and lengthens, stretching down from the ceiling – through the ceiling. It’s tiny at first, barely a breath of air. But the words, the gestures, the responses – as they continue, the whirlwind grows, strengthening and lengthening, gathering force. Heaven itself is reaching out. Can no one else see?

And what is it reaching for, this now-mighty whirlwind? What is its goal? Is anything reaching back to it? Yes! The very Earth is rising up! A mountain raises itself at the foot of the altar, straining upward. A mountain, a volcano, reaching up in heated passion, bursting open with the heat of its desire to reach for Heaven. The Earth trembles and strains, throwing out bits of molten rock – its very heart – to try to reach the hand of Heaven. Oh, the incredible roar and thunder of it! Can no one else hear?

But the tremendous effort is not enough. Earth can reach no higher and Heaven remains beyond its grasp. How will this great tumult be resolved? What shall bridge the gap between the reach of Heaven and the desire of Earth?

The flow of the Eucharist continues undaunted – words, gestures, and responses smoothly flowing forth, unaffected by the play of Heaven and Earth around it. And just as all hope seems lost - just when it seems that Earth has surely exhausted itself, and Heaven must certainly grow weary of its wait – just then the Miracle intrudes! What is that sound of bells? What is that loud “AMEN”? The Miracle has been raised up to fill the gap!

Born of Heaven, raised from Earth, the Miracle alone can bridge the gap. Body of Christ, Bread of Heaven; Blood of Christ, Cup of Salvation – Heaven and Earth meet in a dazzling, searing moment of clarity and fulfillment.

Words, gestures, responses… Words, gestures, responses… The service goes on, and a piece of the Miracle is placed in my hand; a cup of the Miracle is brought to my lips. The Miracle is now a part of me. Heaven and Earth can meet IN ME, dwell IN ME, find fulfillment IN ME.

Thanks be to God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your perspectives and funny enough didn't find them that different than my own... not at the core. Communion is such an individual experience and that is part of your comments. It is exactly that which ties together the heavens and the earth... the human existence to the spiritual nature of God. I don't think the formality or informality of how its taken changes that singular fact.

As a side note... I thought your imagery was not only beautiful but perfectly telling of the struggle to reach God.