Saturday, August 16, 2008


It's easy to give up when we ask for things that don't seem to be coming through. To ask and ask, only to be ignored or put off can be downright depressing. Especially if the thing we're asking for seems simple and straightforward, something easily given by the person we ask.

That must have been the temptation of the Canaanite woman (read Matthew 15:20-28) - She asked and asked for Jesus to heal her daughter. First she was ignored, then Jesus essentially told her to go away. She could have quit asking. She could have let herself slide into depression with the thought "this isn't meant to be - I give up."

Instead she keeps asking, and Jesus finally helps her daughter. We need to take a page from her book the next time unanswered prayers are trying to weigh us down. The Lord expects us to persevere in prayer!

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