Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God

In Romans 8:35, 38-39, Paul tells us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Boy, it's a good thing to know! Paul lists external things - angels and demons, heights and depths, nakedness, or famine. But just as surely, the things in our own hearts cannot separate us from the love of God.

There's nothing we can do or think that will drive him away or keep him from loving us. We may harden our hearts and turn our backs, but if we turn back to Him, we'll find that it was not God who left us, but we who left God. He is not the Prodigal God, we are the Prodigal Children.

And I take great comfort in that knowledge when my heart starts behaving badly. When I start casting blame instead of loving others. When I try to take the speck out of my brother's or sister's eye when there's still a log protruding from my own. When I let anger or distrust or frustration get the better of me.

Thank you, Lord, for continuing to love your headstrong and wayward children.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Few Words of Introduction

Welcome to Just in Time Publishing! Why JITP? Well, that's the name my business will have if I ever get around to really HAVING a business. It seems that for my whole life, all of the writing assignments I've had to do have been completed on a "just-in-time" basis. Homework in grade school, reports in highschool, and papers, reports, and studying in college - all completed just in time! During the 13 years I spent as an envronmental geologist in the consulting industry, the same was true again - just in time proposal, projects, and letters.

Then I found God, and got active in ministry at my church. Guess what? More just in time writing projects! I even changes jobs - from senior geologist to church secretary (maybe I'll talk about that more another time). And still the bulletins and newsletters that I'm responsibile a rarely other than just-in-time documents. A couple of years ago, I started responding to a call from God to preach. I preach irregularly, and usually with weeks or months of lead time. And yet... Just-in-Time Publishing remains my style in spite of years of good intenntions to do otherwise.

So what you'll hear is me, probably at the last minute, publishing bits and pieces on things that catch my attention. I'm not sure whether I'll have any particular focus. We'll see where this goes together - and just in time...