Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Fragrant Offering

I was inspired during the Prayers of the People in worship a few weeks ago.  Is this a poem or merely poetic? I'll let you decide for yourself, but in any case I hope it feeds something in your hungry soul.  Merry Christmas!

Fragrant Offering

The leader stands and reads
the words of prayer.
Prayer from us, for us,
prayer to Holy God in heaven,
far yet near, here but not.
The words flow forth,
old words, new words,
ancient petitions in modern phrase.
We listen, we hear.
Those with softened heart
can sense the change:
change in the air,
change in the mood.

The leader reads
but more than words flow forth. 
The barest curl of smoke,
translucent, glimmering,
accompanies the words.
The faint tendril curls lazily,
moving gently in the light-filled air.
It extends and reaches,
out, out, and outward still.
Out over the people, among the people,
wreathing and enveloping
as it flows, grows.

The leader reads
and billows form!
Clouds of prayer hang in the air,
now rising also from the pews,
from those who’ve joined the leader’s words
though silently, silently.

The leader reads,
but wait!
What’s that sweet smell?
That delicious aroma in the air?
Not merely smoke but fragrance, too,
the cloud of prayer has sweetened,
somehow thickened.
The soul delights in this new atmosphere
of prayer made real, tangible.
A taste of heaven,
our words are now incarnate, too.

The leader reads
and God receives our fragrant offering.
He smiles.

Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

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