Saturday, September 12, 2015


(A little something I wrote back in October 2014 and forgot to share here!)

Art and architecture in the presence of God’s praying and worshipping people take on a special quality, and a thinness develops where some of God’s transcendence can be detected.  Even a humble school auditorium, when used for worship long enough, can become imbued with holiness.  And with ears to hear and eyes to see and souls open to notice, you can sense the properties of heaven – the unseen that overlaps the seen – wherever the Church worships.  As though the building itself takes delight in this special service, and finds some way to show forth its joy in serving.

The worship space of my own church community is an airy, high-ceilinged space, with large clear windows to let in light, and a stained glass behind the altar that does amazing things to the light that enters.  And that is where I usually feel I can detect God’s presence alive in this space.  But other worship spaces have other qualities – different ways of transmitting light – or sound – or texture – or fragrance – or mood.  What qualities of your worship place convey for you God’s unseen presence?


How delightful to wait in the quiet nave,
to settle… then to simply be. 

Alone - does no one long to share this quiet pause? 
The world, it seems, is all awash in sound and fury,
even “the country” succumbing to the din!

Ah, but here, this blessed place - 
space -
capturing and marking out a quiet void, 
filling it with light and Peace. 

Such a lovely quality to this light,
made heavy by its delicate lack,
absence lending weight to light.

Light enlivened by colored glass, 
and unheard echoes of other worlds....

Air that is alive with stillness! 
In a world gone mad with sound,
a gentle balm for the soul,
and sanctuary…. 

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