Saturday, December 1, 2012

Get Some Help!

The image that comes to my mind when I'm feeling over-worked is that of a busy waiter working a crowded, noisy dining room, bringing orders to the diners from the kitchen.  This server is carrying a large tray, heavily laden with plates of food, hoisted high and carefully balanced.  When another waiter approaches and says "let me help," the answer is always "Thanks, but I've got it."  Why?  because it is more effort to lower the tray and try to balance it on one hand to pass some of the load to another, than it is to just press on and finish the job yourself.  At least, that's how I often feel!  The things I most need help with are the very things that seem to require MORE effort to hand off than to just complete on my own.

And then there are all those other reasons for not taking help: pride (can't let others think I can't do this myself!), perfectionism (no way can someone else do this the way I want it done!), distrust (she's only helping so she can try to take my place!), and so on and so on....  We are some seriously broken people, aren't we?

But we don't have to be!  I heard a very striking sermon last month reminding us that Jesus wants to help us. In all things.  At all times.  Jesus is a helper and his desire is to help us.  He watches us in our self-imposed struggles, trying to catch our attention so he can say "I will HELP you!"  The help he offers is not help that we have to direct, either.  Unlike the well-meaning waiter trying to offer help but needing action on my part for the help to be effective, all we have to do to receive Jesus' help is to ask for it.  He is God, after all, an he can do anything.

Right now, take a moment to close your eyes, and bring to mind an area of your life in which you need help. Now imagine Jesus has entered into the room.  He is looking intently at you, his desire to ease your burden is clearly written on his face.  He speaks, saying "let me help you."  Say yes, my friend, say yes!

And you don't have to figure out HOW to "let" Jesus help you.  My waiter may find that the restaurant has gotten less crowded so the trays are lighter and easier to manage.  Maybe the management has hired more waiters.  Or bought lighter plates!  Perhaps the next diner he serves will offer him a job somewhere else that doesn't involve balancing heavy trays.  Or perhaps the same trays with the same plates for the same diners just doesn't feel like such a difficult load any more....

Just say "Jesus, help me" and watch with confident expectation for something to change.
I look up to the mountains—
    does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth!
     (Psalm 121:1-2)
Just say yes and Jesus will do the rest.

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