Saturday, September 8, 2012

Choose your Satisfaction

I have a little swimming pool in my backyard.  It's an above-ground-model that was given to us by friends, and they weren't the first owners.  We've had to replace parts of the side that rusted out, the bottom is lumpy because our install wasn't the best.  The liner has at least a dozen patches that are starting to come off, and I can't seem to keep ahead of the algae...

But despite all that, I do love it!  I like to float in it and just watch the sky, or enjoy the feel of hot dry sunshine on top and cool wet water below.  One day recently I was reveling in the glory of the world as I floated in that pool, and it occurred to me that a lot of people in the wealthy part of the world where I live probably think I'm foolish to find such satisfaction in something that by any standards (even my own!) is quite dilapidated and second-rate.

And sometimes I might agree that I'm too easily satisfied: choosing the easier path, deciding to settle for less, passively accepting what's available rather than pursuing something else, something that represents "better" or "more."  The world says that I am not living up to my full potential when I leave these possibilities on the table, un-striven-for.  After all, if I'd spent more effort advancing in my job, I might have a beautiful in-ground pool now, and wouldn't that be better?

But I think we all have to choose our satisfaction.  To choose satisfaction means to acknowledge that what you have RIGHT NOW is enough - to look into the depths of your soul and say not only "this is good enough," but "this is good and more than I deserve." It's not a matter of "settling" for something that is less than your heart's desire.  Rather, it is a matter of allowing yourself to be satisfied with what's available in the here and now.

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray this: "Give us the bread we need for today." (Matthew 6:11, Common English Bible)  To choose satisfaction is to acknowledge that whatever we have now, today, is what God has provided to us - for today.  "More" or "better" may be coming our way later, but to disparage what we have now is to disparage the Giver.  To not find a full measure of joy in our current circumstances is to judge God's provision as inadequate...

So, my friends, choose to be satisfied!  What unlikely or overlooked circumstance can you find RIGHT NOW that satisfies your soul?


Kay said...

That is one lousy looking pool, but then I don't know anyone around here with an in-ground pool. Our neighbors, who have lost jobs and buy a lot of bologna for their four kids have an above ground pool, and are the only ones I'm aware of with any pool at all in my neighborhood, though I'm sure some people must have one. They may be less economically well off than others, but they are popular with their kids and some of the neighbor kids, which at some level is more important than having lots of material possessions or wealth. I'm very aware of the advantages I've had in life, and am thankful and guilty for them, despite that I'm not rich and there's a good change I will die impoverished and alone. But then I live in rural Appalachia, and see my God fearing neighbors who are happy to have any job and don't think of themselves bad off for living in a mobile home. I have nothing to complain about in terms of lifestyle. My biggest wish/prayer in general is that people stop being mean.

Unknown said...

I really appreciate God's provision. I am content and thankful for my and other's blessings. Thank you Linda for reminding us to be grateful and happy in this moment.