Monday, April 25, 2011

Cat Gravity

I have a stalker!

Lest you worry for my safety, let me reassure you that I'm in no danger.  You see, my stalker is just my cat, Brownie.  But the last few months, she follows me around in a devoted way that borders on the obsessive.  If I sit at my computer, she insists on being in my lap.  If I sit on the love seat, she wants to perch on the arm next to me.  If I stretch out on the sofa, she wants to lay beside me, and when I lie down in bed, she wants to situate herself on the pillow right next to my head!   No matter where in my house I go or what I'm doing, if I stay in the same place for even a little while, I can look up and notice Brownie somewhere near.

She seems to want nothing but to be near me.  Sure, sometimes she seems to want to soak up some of my body heat, and sometimes she's hoping for a cat treat.  But more often than not, she just wants to be close.  I never knew I was so fascinating! Sometimes I joke with my husband that I must have "cat gravity" - some  irresistible force that pulls the cat into my orbit.

It occurs to me that this is how we should be in our devotion to God - doing whatever it takes to be close, "stalking" God.  Sure, sometimes we turn to God hoping to feel his love, and sometimes we seek God to make our requests.  But most of the time, we should be seeking him just to be close.

God is quite fascinating, after all.  Who better is there to be devoted to?  Surely no celebrity or public figure or business tycoon is nearly so fascinating as our God, creator of the universe, and creator of each of us.  God can speak to the deepest desires of our hearts and provide for our most profound needs in ways no human can.

Why, then, do we so often forget God?  Why do we so often turn to our fellow creatures and creation itself with our devotion, instead of to God?  Why can God's presence sometimes feel so remote and hidden from us?    If I have "cat gravity", then God should have "people gravity" like nobody's business, right? And we should all readily fall into "orbit" near God if we just once get close enough to be captured by the "gravity field" of his awesome presence.  Right?

But God doesn't want us to follow him mindlessly, simply because of the overwhelming nature of his greatness, as though pulled by an irresistible force like gravity.  God wants us to choose him, to love him - yes, even to stalk him!  God loves noting more than to see his children do all in their power to be close to him.

So, just forget about passively waiting around for God to draw you in with his "gravity."  Instead, set out to seek him, to find him, and to stalk him!

You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jer. 29:13

How will you stalk God today?


Anonymous said...

Cute, Linda!
I'm in orbit! :)

Bro John said...

I know this feeling. My cat Ike is very "in your face". He has what I call "catitude." He knows what he wants and helps me understand in complete silence. I guess there must be "Goditude" as well. He knows what I need a provides it complete silence. I need to make sure I pay attention to the silence. BrJ-